Monday, November 3, 2008

Week 2

So it is now week two and more activity has come to be inside my aquarium. Alot more has started to grow through out the aquarium, what they are i'm not quite sure. There are long green spindley fibers that were not there last week. The plants are continuing to produce Leaf bladders and trap more organisms for food. Speaking of these organisms i was able to take more pictures of many of them. They will be posted as soon as the resizing works... some of the organisms i was able to picture were Rotifera, Desmud, Ostracod and Ciliates. The Rotifera - Epiphanes which can be found on page 183 of Guide to Micro Life by Kenneth G. Rainis and Bruce J. Russel were active eating things on and around the plants. There were also Shelled Rotifers moving around the plants and between plants looking for food. One neat thing i saw was a large gropu of Closterium (Desmud) surrounding and eating a dead Water Flea - Ostracod. Pictures of these two organisms can be seen in Guid to Micro Life as well on pages 136 and 220 respectively. Thats all for now but more to follow next week. I should have some of my own pictures up by mid to late week.

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